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Lecture Series to Commemorate the 120th Birthday of Yang Shixian

Report Title:Change Minds

Reporter: Qian Xuhong  (Academician)

Time:November 29th, 2016 (Tuesday) 4:00 pm

Location:The Academic Lecture Hall of Synthetic Building


About the reporter:


Qian Xuhong :Professor of East China University of Science and Technology, and the academician of Chinese academy of engineering. He received Bachelor's degree in the East China Institute of Chemical Technology (now East China University of Technology) in 1982, and obtained his PhD in engineering in 1988. From 1989 to 1991, he undertook associate professor in Lamar University (USA), and continued his postdoctoral study in the university of Wuerzburg (Germany) with the support of Humboldt Foundation. In 1992, he returned to East China University of Science and Technology for teaching and became a professor in 1995. From July in 2004 to March in 2015, he became the president of East China University of Science and Technology. In 2011, he was awarded the academician of the Chinese academy of engineering. In 2014, he has been appointed as the committee member of Chemical engineering department of metallurgy and materials. Now, he has been engaged in the national millions of Talents Project, National Outstanding Youth Science Fund Project, the Yangtze River Scholars Program, and the chief scientist of the national "973" project with 20 Chinese patents, 15 world patents and more than 350 papers.

His research interests focused on organic chemical industry, fine and special organic chemical research. The main achievements included two national 973 projects in chemical pesticides, registration of three pesticides, highly-efficient production of the key intermediates of Fluorine aromatic acid, and synthesis of heterocyclic aromatic fluorescent dyes. The awards contained three the Ministry of Education Science and Technology Progress Awards, one Shanghai Natural Science Award and on National Science and Technology Progress Award.