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Boling Lecture--" Create the Future through Synthesis "
Topic: Create the Future through Synthesis 
Speaker: Prof. Kuiling Ding ( Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences  )
Time: 7:00 pm, April 28 2017, Friday
Venue: The Academic Hall at the Institute of Elemento-Organic Chemistry
Dr. Kuiling Ding received his Ph.D. in 1990 at Nanjing University. He became an assistant professor at Zhengzhou University in 1992 and a full professor at the same university in 1995. During 1993-1994, he was engaged in a postdoctoral research with Professor Teruo Matsuura at Ryukoku University in Japan. In the period of 1997-1998, he was a UNESCO research fellow with Professor Koichi Mikami at Tokyo Institute of Technology in Japan. He joined Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, CAS, in Dec of 1998 as a professor of chemistry and has been the director of the institute since 2009. He was a visiting professor at Nagoya University, Japan, during the period of Aug.-Nov. 2003 with Professor Masato Kitamura. His research interests include development of new strategies and catalysts for homogeneous & heterogeneous catalysis. Dr. Ding received National Natural Science Award of China in 2009, the 1st Yoshida Prize of International Organic Chemistry Foundation (IOCF) Japan in 2015, and Humboldt Research Award in 2016. He was elected a member of Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2013.