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Boling Lecture-The Basic Research is Fundamental --- My personal experiences

Topic: The Basic Research is Fundamental --- My personal experiences

Speaker: Prof. Yuliang Yang ( Fudan University )

Time: 7:00 pm, April 27 2018, Friday

Venue: The Academic Hall at the Institute of Elemento-Organic Chemistry



Prof. Dr. Yuliang Yang was born in a poor peasant’s family in Haiyang county, Zhejiang province. In 1959, he came to Shanghai and had the primer school education. In 1965, Yang passed the examination and entered one of the key middle school in Shanghai, Gezhi School. Unfortunately, he only studied in the middle school for one year due to the Cultural Revolution. In 1968, he backed to Haiyan, Zhejiang to be a peasant again worked as a peasant, simultaneously, he worked as a “bare-foot-doctor”.

In 1974, he entered Fudan University as a “worker-peasant-soldier student” in Department of Chemistry. Afterwards, he continued the education until he received Ph. D. in 1984. During 1986~1988, he spent two years in Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research, Germany as a post doctor. After he came back to China, he became associate professor, full professor of Department of Macromolecular Science, Fudan University. In 2003, he was elected as a Member of Chinese Academy of Science.

He has also been the vice president of Fudan University, the director of the Office of Chinese Academic Degree, State Council, and president of Fudan University. Now, he is the director of the Science Education and Popularization Committee, Chinese Academy of Science.