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Lecture: Dye Excited States Energy Release Regulation and Industrial Applications

On 30 October, Xiaojun Peng, professor of Dalian University of Technology, gave an academic BoLing lecture entitled dye excited states energy release regulation and industrial applications.  

The lecture was mainly about the basic knowledge of dyestuff industry and its developments in the past one hundred years. Prof. Peng indicated that dyes play a significant role in biomedicine and the electronic information fields and the dyestuff industry can attain the aim of sustainable developments by regulating molecular functions. He also introduced his research work on the achievement of quick quenching of excited states dyes, regulation of dyes exciting relaxation and the recognition of cancer cells vividly. At Question Time, Prof. Peng answered students one by one mainly about reaction mechanism, specific applications and his personal experience, and launched an academic discussion with teashers.

Personal profiles: Xiaojun Peng, professor of Dalian University of Technology, Distinguished Young Scholars of The National Science Fund, “Yangtze river scholars” Distinguished Professor; Director of state key laboratory of fine chemicals, member of the state council discipline appraisal group; PHD of Dalian  University of Technology, post-doctor of Nankai University, and visiting scholar of Stockholm University (Sweden). He has published more than 260 SCI research papers and been authorized 40 invention patents, mainly majoring in the research of dye fine chemical engineering and fluorescence recognition, Especially, the ink jet dyestuff and fluorescence recognition dyestuff have successfully applied in industrial scale and received the National prize for Technological Inventions (2006) and the National Natural Science Prize (2013), respectively. In 2015, he was selected as one of SCI “highly cited researchers”.