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Introduction of CC Student Union

    The Student Union from college of chemistry , Nankai University was found in 1995.The Student Union has always stood firm on the position of “The representative of the students’ interest”, and taken “Uniting and serving the students” as the pattern. The Student Union is consisted by seven departments: Secretariat, Propaganda Department, Sports Department, Internal Liaision Department, Public Relationship Department, Literature and Art Department and Academic department. Each department has four ministers and around fifteen clerks. The number of the member has reached for more than one hundred and forty. The student Union acts as the bridge between the college and the students. It express the students’ thought and protect the students’ interest, and also helps the students to serve, manage and educate themselves and organize rich and different extracurricular activities and social practice. The main activities held by the Student Union are as following:

    The welcome party of the College of Chemistry;

    “Golden Autumn” basketball league match;

    Tabloid Sports Meeting, with different fun games;

    Analog wedding , hug the love at the age;

    “The Appearance of the Love” photographic works collection;

    Gongneng Reception Room, a series of lectures;

    “The Myriad of Changes” debate competition;

    “City Survival Challenge” Analog Sales;

    “12•9”Patriotic Run ,a commemorative activity for the 12•9 Movement of Resistance Against Japan and Save the Nation from Extinction;

    The Classic Movie Clip Reproduction , participants show the film in the form of play;