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The Fourth Simulate Teacher Recruitment ContestFinal

On 11 and 12 November, Chinese TAL Education Group and Nankai University jointly launched the shoot-off and final of the Fourth Simulate Teacher RecruitmentContest at Room 324 in the Main Building, Nankai University.DiaoLida, the deputy secretary of CPCCommittee and the associatedean of the College of Chemistry, together with Zhu Xinlong, the recruitment supervisor of Chinese TAL Education Group in Tianjin hosted the activity and worked as judges.

12 candidates from such academies as College of Chemistry, ForeignLanguagesInstituteand SchoolofMathematicsSciencequalifiedtofinal through the intense competition of preliminary and semi-final. Among the 12, 6 reached the finaltournament.

The final saw various teaching characteristics of the candidates. Their full preparation indicated the understanding and passion for education cause. And their excellent performance brought them favorable comments from both the judges and the audience. Finally, after the fierce competition, HouJiajie from the College of Chemistry won the first place.

Zhu Xinlong pointed out in his evaluationhis expect for the better understanding of the features and recruitmentrequirement of teaching for students bythis activity. He also extended his hope for improving students’ capabilities to deal with the keen competition in job market and to provide them with opportunities to learn the educational profession and thus develop their abilities at the meantime, realize their career expectations and planning.

The contest has been holding for 4 times and proves to be the brand activity popular with the students. Youth League Committeeof the College of Chemistry held the forth competition while Graduate Student Union and Student Union organized the contest, which comprises of lecture and competition. The latter includes primary, semi-final, shoot-off and final. It simulated real class-teaching, providing a chance for attendants to show presentation skillsas well as logical analysis and to learn mutually.

Correspondents: Wen Zhihui, Sun Wanxi, MengXiangde and Zhao Ya.