Chen Li
Academic Background
Doctor degree
Graduate School
Nankai University
Professional Title
associate researcher
Administrative Post
Institute of Elemento-organic Chemistry
Special Talent
Research Institute of Elemento-Organic Chemistry, 94 Weijin Road, Tianjin, 300071, P. R. China
Research Group Website
Research Interest
1) Studies on the design, synthesis, bio-activities and SAR of bio-active natural product analogs
2) New methodology for organic synthesis and natural products;

1990 Industrial Analysis, Beijing University of Chemical Technology
1990 — 2000 Quality Control Engineer (Tianjin Chemical Plant, PR China)
2000 — 2005 Ph. D. degree in Agro-chemistry, Research Institute of Elemento-Organic Chemistry of Nankai University
2005 — present Associate Professor of Organic Chemistry, Research Institute of Elemento-Organic Chemistry, Nankai University

Honors and Awards

Scientific Achievements & Selected Publications
1.Diastereoselective Synthesis of Cephalotaxus Esters via Asymmetric Mukaiyama Aldol Reaction, Ma, G. Z.; Li, P. F.; Liu, L.; Li, W. D.; Chen, L*. Org. Lett., 2017, 19, 2250–2253. (Highlights by Synfacts 2017, 13, 744)
2.Synthesis and applications of angular acyl-substituted azulenones: formal synthesis of (±)-acorenol and facile access to the hydroazulene core of pseudolaric acid, Yue, X. D.; Chen, L.*; Li, W. D. Z. Tetrahedron 2014, 70, 5505–5512.
3.Reaction of 2-Phenyl-2-( 2,3,4-trimethoxyphenyl) ketene with Ethoxyethyne, Wang Z. D.; Yue X. D.; Chen Li*, Chem. J. Chinese Uni., 2014, 35, 1681–1685.
4.Reactivities of Substituted Azulenone: Strategic Exploration on the Novel Synthesis of Colchicine, Yue, X. D.; Chen, L.*; Li, W. D.* Acta Chim. Sin., 2012, 70, 2029-2036.
5.Insecticidal Benzoylphenylurea-S-Carbamate: A New Propesticides with Two Effects of Both Benzoylphenylureas and Carbamates, Chen, L.; Huang, Z. Q.; Wang, Q. M.; Shang, J.; Bi, F. C.; Huang, R. Q.* J. Agric. Food Chem. 2007, 55, 2659–2663.
6.Synthesis and bioassay evaluation of 1-(4-substituted-ideneaminooxy-methyl) –phenyl-3-(2,6- difluorobenzoyl)-ureas, Chen, L.; Ou, X. M.; Mao, C. H.; Shang, J.; Huang, R. Q.*; Bi F. C.; Wang, Q. M. Bioorg. Med. Chem. 2007, 15, 3678–3683.
7.Synthesis and Insecticidal Evaluation of Propesticides of benzoylphenylureas, Chen, L.; Wang, Q. M.; Huang, R. Q.*; Mao, C. H.; Shang, J.; Bi F. C. J. Agri. Food Chem. 2005, 53, 38–41.
8.Synthesis of Ferrocenoylphenylureas and the Crystal Structure of FcCONHCONHC6H5, Chen, L.; Wang, Q. M.; Huang, R. Q.*; Mao, C. H.; Shang, J. Appl. Organomet. Chem. 2005, 19, 45–48.
8. Synthesis and characterization of ferrocenyl- alkoxygermatranes and crystal structures of FcCH2OGe(OCH2CH2)3N and FcCH(CH3)OGe(OCH2CH2)3N, Chen, L.; Xie Q. L.; Sun L. J.*; Xie, Q. L. Appl. Organomet. Chem. 2005, 19, 1038–1042.
1.Method for High-efficiency and High-stereoselectivity Semisynthesis of Harringtonine- like and its Medical Application, Chen, L., Li W. D. China Patent, No.: CN 102304132 B (Issued 2015.01.28).
2.Harringtonine Alkaloid Derivatives, Their Preparation Method and Application for Treating Leukemia, Chen, L.; Li, W. D. China Patent, No.: CN 102675327 B (Issued 2014.12.10).
3.Method for Synthesis of Halofuginone Hydrobromide and its Analogs, Li, W. D.; Qin, T.; Chen, L.; Chen, G. C. China Patent, No.: CN 101987843 B (Issued 2013.02.27).
4.Method for Separation and Purification of Optical Pure Cephalotaxine, Li, W. D.; Chen, L.; China Patent, No.: CN 101492455 B (Issued 2011.04.27).
5.N-substituent-O-silicon-based substituent-serine trichloro-ethyl ester compound and synthesis thereof, Li, W. D.; Cui, J.; Chen, L. China Patent, No.: CN 101693721 B (Issued 2012.05.09).
6.Asymmetrical complete synthesis of Salinosporamide A and analogs thereof, Li, W. D.; Bai, Y. J.; Chen, L. China Patent, No.: CN 101863893 B (Issued 2012.07.25).
7.Synthesis method for 5-silica-alpha-ketone carbonyl isoheptanoate, 6-silica-alpha- ketone carbonyl isooctanoate and esters thereof, Li, W. D.; Jing, D. J.; Chen, L. China Patent, No.: CN 102321112 B (Issued 2014.02.12).

Professional Cultivation
Cultivate 8 graduates