Sun Pingchuan
Academic Background
Master degree
Graduate School
Professional Title
Administrative Post
Institute of Polymer Science
Special Talent
Winner of The National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars
Research Group Website
Research Interest
Development of bio-inspired and biomimetic advanced polymer materials including thermal recyclable cross-linked polymers, self-healing polymers, environment sensitive polymers and their nanocomposites. Development of advanced solid-state NMR methods for the study of multiscale structure and dynamics of macromolecules and biomacromolecules.

1986 Diploma of physics, Nankai University, China
1991 Master of physics, Nankai University, China
1994 Ph.D. of physics , Nankai University, China
1994-1996 Lecturer, Institute of Polymer Chemistry, College of Chemistry, Nankai University, China
1996-2005 Associate professor, Institute of Polymer Chemistry, College of Chemistry, Nankai University, China
2005- Professor, Institute of Polymer Chemistry, College of Chemistry, Nankai University, China

Honors and Awards
(1)2008 National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars
(2)2006 Tian-juan Wang Magnetic Resonance Award, Committee of the Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy, Chinese Physical Society.

Scientific Achievements & Selected Publications
[1]Shengli Chen, Fenfen Wang, Yongjin Peng, Tiehong Chen, Qiang Wu, Pingchuan Sun*. Single Molecular Diels-Alder Crosslinker for Achieving Recyclable Cross-Linked Polymers. Macromolecular Rapid Communications 2015, 36, 1687-1692.
[2]Fenfen Wang, Rongchun Zhang, Qiang Wu, Tiehong Chen, Pingchuan Sun,* An-chang Shi. Probing the Nanostructure, Interfacial Interaction, and Dynamics of Chitosan-Based Nanoparticles by Multiscale Solid-State NMR. ACS applied materials & interfaces 2014, 6, 21397-21407.
[3]Xin He, Yuan Liu, Rongchuan Zhang, Qiang Wu, Tiehong Chen, Pingchuan Sun,* Xiaoliang Wang, Gi Xue. Unique Interphase and Cross-Linked Network Controlled by Different Miscible Blocks in Nanostructured Epoxy/Block Copolymer Blends Characterized by Solid-State NMR. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2014, 118, 1126, 13285-13299.
[4]Rongchun Zhang, Shen Yu, Shengli Chen, Qiang Wu, Tiehong Chen, Pingchuan Sun,* Baohui Li,* Datong Ding. Reversible Cross-Linking, Microdomain Structure, and Heterogeneous Dynamics in Thermally Reversible Cross-Linked Polyurethane as Revealed by Solid-State NMR. Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2014, 118, 1126-1137.
[5]Rongchun Zhang, Tingzi Yan, Bob-Dan Lechner, Klaus Schr?ter, Yin Liang, Baohui Li, Filipe Furtado, Pingchuan Sun,* Kay Saalw?chter.* Heterogeneity, Segmental and Hydrogen Bond Dynamics, and Aging of Supramolecular Self-Healing Rubber. Macromolecules 2013, 46, 1841-1850.
[6]Shen Yu, Rongchun Zhang, Qiang Wu, Tiehong Chen, Pingchuan Sun.* Bio-Inspired High-Performance and Recyclable Cross-Linked Polymers. Advanced Materials 2013, 25, 4912-4917.
[7]Rongchun Zhang, Tiehong Chen, Pingchuan Sun,* Baohui Li,* Datong Ding. Investigation on the Artificial Exchange Signals Induced by the Rider Effect in Codex Experiments. Solid-State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance 2012, 47, 28.
[8]Rongchun Zhang, Yuzhu Chen, Tiehong Chen, Pingchuan Sun,* Baohui Li,* Datong Ding. Accessing Structure and Dynamics of Mobile Phase in Organic Solids by Real-Time T1c Filter PISEMA NMR Spectroscopy. Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2012, 116, 979.
[9]Rongchun Zhang, Xin He, Weigui Fu, Tiehong Chen, Pingchuan Sun,* Baohui Li,* Datong Ding. Efficient Identification of Different Types of Carbons in Organic Solids by 2d Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy. Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2011, 115, 11665-11670.
[10]Qiang Gu, Xiaoliang Wang, Pingchuan Sun,* Dongshan Zhou,* Gi Xue.* Tracking the interdiffusion of polymers at a molecular level by 1H dipolar filter solid-state NMR under fast magic angle spinning, Soft Matter 2011, 7, 691-697.
[11]Qinqin Dang, Shoudong Lu, Shen Yu, Pingchuan Sun,* Zhi Yuan.* Silk Fibroin/Montmorillonite Nanocomposites: Effect of pH on the conformational transition and Clay Dispersion, Biomacromolecules 2010, 11, 1796-1801.
[12]Weigui Fu, Jiang R, Tiehong Chen, Hai Lin, Pingchuan Sun,* Baohui Li,* Qinghua Jin, and Datong Ding. Evolution of Interphase in Styrene-Butadiene Block Copolymers as Revealed by 1H Solid-State NMR: Effect of Temperature and Molecular Architecture, Polymer 2010, 51, 2069-2076.
[13]Xinjuan Li, Weigui Fu, Yinong Wang, Tiehong Chen, Xiaohang Liu, Hai Lin, Pingchuan Sun,* Qinghua Jin and Datong Ding. Solid-state NMR characterization of unsaturated polyester thermoset blends containing PEO-PPO-PEO block copolymers, Polymer 2008, 49, 2886-2897.
[14]Xiaoliang Wang, Fangfang Tao, Pingchuan Sun,* Dongshan Zhou, Zhaoquen Wang, Qiang Gu, Jinlei Hu, Gi Xue.* Probing Chain Interpenetration in Polymer Glasses by 1H Dipolar Filter Solid-State NMR under Fast Magic Angle Spinning, Macromolecules 2007, 40, 4736-4739.
[15]Baohui Li, Lu Xu, Qiang Wu, Tiehong Chen, Pingchuan Sun,* Qinghua Jin, Datong Ding, Xiaoliang Wang, Gi Xue, An-Chang Shi. Various Types of Hydrogen Bonds, Their Temperature Dependence and Water-Polymer Interaction in Hydrated Poly(Acrylic Acid) as Revealed by 1H Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy, Macromolecules 2007, 40, 5776-5786.
[16]Pingchuan Sun, Qinqin Dang, Baohui Li, Tiehong Chen, Yinong Wang, Hai Lin, Qinghua Jin, Datong Ding, An-chang Shi. Mobility, Miscibility and Microdomain Structure in Nanostructured Thermoset Blends of Epoxy Resin and Amphiphilic PEO-PPO-PEO Triblock Copolymers Characterized by Solid-State NMR, Macromolecules 2005, 38, 5654-5667.
[17]Tiehong Chen, Jianjun Zhu, Baohui Li, Shiyi Guo, Zhongyong Yuan, Pingchuan Sun,* Datong Ding, An-chang Shi. Exfoliation of Organo-Clay in Telechelic Liquid Polybutadiene Rubber, Macromolecules 2005, 38, 4030-4033.

Professional Cultivation