Xie Wei
Academic Background
Doctor degree
Graduate School
Wuhan University
Professional Title
Administrative Post
Department of Chemistry
Special Talent
Nankai University, No.94, Weijin Road, Tianjin, China
Research Group Website
Research Interest
Rationally designed plasmonic nanoparticles, surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy, in situ characterization of reactions on surface.

1999-2003 Wuhan University B.S.
2003-2009 Wuhan University Ph.D.
2010-2012 University of Osnabrueck Humboldt Fellow
2013-2016 University of Duisburg-Essen PI
2016- Nankai University Professor

Honors and Awards
1)2015 ChemPubSoc Europe Outstanding Reviewer Award
2) 2010 Humboldt Fellow

Scientific Achievements & Selected Publications
1) Cortes, Emiliano#,Xie, Wei#,Cambiasso, Javier,Jermyn, Adam,Sundararaman, Ravishankar,Narang, Prineha,Schlueker, Sebastian,Maier, Stefan,Plasmonic hot electron transport drives nano-localized chemistry,Nature Communications,2017,8:14880。
2) Xie, Wei,Grzeschik, Roland,Schlücker, Sebastian,Metal nanoparticle-catalyzed reduction using borohydride in aqueous media: A kinetic analysis of the surface reaction by microfluidic SERS,Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 2016, 55:13729。
3) Xie, Wei,Schluecker, Sebastian,Hot electron-induced reduction of small molecules on photorecycling metal surfaces,Nature Communications,2015,6:7570。
4) Xie, Wei,Schluecker, Sebastian,Rationally designed multifunctional plasmonic nanostructures for surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy: a review,Reports on Progress in Physics,2014,77(11):116502。
5) Xie, Wei,Walkenfort, Bernd,Schluecker, Sebastian,Label-Free SERS Monitoring of Chemical Reactions Catalyzed by Small Gold Nanoparticles Using 3D Plasmonic Superstructures, Journal of the American Chemical
6) Xie, Wei,Herrmann, Christoph,Koempe, Karsten,Haase, Markus,Schluecker, Sebastian,Synthesis of Bifunctional Au/Pt/Au Core/Shell Nanoraspberries for in Situ SERS Monitoring of Platinum-Catalyzed Reactions,Journal of the American Chemical Society,2011,133(48):19302-19305。
7) Xue, Longjian,Xie, Wei,Driessen, Leonie,Domke, Katrin,Wang, Yong,Schlucker, Sebastian,Gorb, Stanislav, Steinhart, Martin,Advanced SERS Sensor Based on Capillarity-Assisted Preconcentration through Gold Nanoparticle-Decorated Porous Nanorods,Small,2017,DOI: 10.1002/smll.201603947。
8) Zhang, Yuying,Walkenfort, Bernd,Yoon, Jun Hee,Schluecker, Sebastian,Xie, Wei,Gold and silver nanoparticle monomers are non-SERS-active: a negative experimental study with silica-encapsulated Raman-reporter-coated metal colloids,Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics,2015,17(33):21120-21126。
9) Xie, Wei,Schluecker, Sebastian,Medical applications of surface-enhanced Raman scattering,Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics,2013,15(15):5329-5344。
10) Xie, Wei,Qiu, Penghe,Mao, Chuanbin,Bio-imaging, detection and analysis by using nanostructures as SERS substrates,Journal of Materials Chemistry,2011,21(14):5190-5202。

Professional Cultivation