
Liu Shulin



Academic Background
Doctor degree
Graduate School
Wuhan University
Professional Title
Administrative Post


Research Center of Analytical Science

Special Talent



Research Group Website
Research Interest
Biomedical imaging、Nanoparticles-based biomedical analysis       

2003-2007, Department of Chemistry, Zhengzhou University, Undergraduate

2007-2013, College of Chemistry and Molecular Sciences, Wuhan University, PhD

2013-2017, Department of Chemistry, University of Illinois at Chicago, Postdoctoral Schola

2017-2018, China University of Geosciences, Professor

2018-present, College of Chemistry, Nankai University, Professor

Honors and Award

2017 Excellent doctoral dissertation of Hubei province

2013 First prize of the second academic innovation award of Wuhan university

2012 National Scholarship

2012 First prize of the first academic innovation award of Wuhan university

2006 Merit student in Henan province

Scientific Achievements & Selected Publications
1.Liu, S. L.#,Wang, Z. G.#, Hu, Y., Xin, Y., Gorai, S., Sharma, A., Zhou, X., Gong, L. W., Hay, N,, Zhang, J., and Cho, W.*, Quantitative lipid imaging reveals a new signaling function of phosphatidylinositol-3,4-bisphophate: Isoform-and subcellular site-specific activation of Akt. Molecular Cell, 2018.
2.Liu, S. L.#; Sheng, R.#; Jung, J. H.; Wang, L.; Stec, E.; O'Connor, M. J.; Song, S.; Bikkavilli, R. K.; Winn, R. A.; Lee, D.; Baek, K.; Ueda, K.; Levitan, I.; Kim, K. P.; Cho, W.*, Orthogonal lipid sensors identify transbilayer asymmetry of plasma membrane cholesterol. Nature Chemical Biology, 2017, 13 (3), 268-274.
3.Liu, S. L.#; Wang, Z.G.#; Zhang, Z. L.; Pang, D. W.*, Tracking single viruses infecting their host cells using quantum dots. Chemical Society Reviews, 2016, 45(5), 1211-1224.
4.Liu, S. L.#; Sheng, R.; O'Connor, M. J.; Cui, Y.; Yoon, Y.; Kurilova, S.; Lee, D.; Cho, W.*, Simultaneous In Situ Quantification of Two Cellular Lipid Pools Using Orthogonal Fluorescent Sensors. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2014, 53 (52), 14387-14391.
5.Liu, S. L.#; Wu, Q. M.#; Zhang, L. J.; Wang, Z. G.; Sun, E. Z.; Zhang, Z. L.; Pang, D. W.*, Three-dimensional tracking Rab5- and Rab7- associated Infection Process of Influenza Virus. Small, 2014, 10(22):4746-4753.
6.Liu, S. L.#; Zhang, L. J.#; Wang, Z. G.; Zhang, Z. L.; Wu, Q. M.; Sun, E. Z.; Shi, Y. B.; Pang, D. W.*, Globally Visualizing the Microtubule-Dependent Transport Behaviors of Influenza Virus in Live Cells. Analytical Chemistry, 2014, 86 (8), 3902-3908.
7.Liu, S. L.#; Li, J.#; Zhang, Z. L.; Wang, Z. G.; Tian, Z. Q.; Wang, G. P.; Pang, D. W.*, Fast and high-accuracy localization for three-dimensional single-particle tracking. Scientific Reports, 2013, 3, 2462.
8.Liu, S. L. #; Zhang, Z. L.; Tian, Z. Q.; Zhao, H. S.; Liu, H.; Sun, E. Z.; Xiao, G. F.; Zhang, W.; Wang, H. Z.; Pang, D. W.*, Effectively and efficiently dissecting the infection of influenza virus by quantum-dot-based single-particle tracking. ACS Nano, 2012, 6 (1), 141-150.
9.Liu, S. L.#; Tian, Z. Q. #; Zhang, Z. L.; Wu, Q. M.; Zhao, H. S.; Ren, B.; Pang, D. W.*, High-efficiency dual labeling of influenza virus for single-virus imaging. Biomaterials, 2012, 33 (31), 7828-7833.
10.Liu, S. L. #; Zhang, Z. L.; Sun, E. Z.; Peng, J.; Xie, M.; Tian, Z. Q.; Lin, Y.; Pang, D. W.*, Visualizing the endocytic and exocytic processes of wheat germ agglutinin by quantum dot-based single-particle tracking. Biomaterials, 2011, 32 (30), 7616-7624.           
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