Tang Anna
Academic Background
Master degree
Graduate School
Nankai University
Professional Title
associate professor
Administrative Post
Research Center for Analytical Science
Special Talent
Lab302, Chemistry Building (South) , Nankai University, 94 Weijin Road, Tianjin
Research Group Website
Research Interest

Analytical Chemistry
1998.7 College of Chemistry,Henan normal University for Bachelor of Science
2001.7 College of Chemistry,Henan normal University for Master of Science
2004.7 College of Chemistry,Nankai University for Doctor of Science
2004.7- College of Chemistry,Nankai University, Teacher
2010.9-2011.9 Chemistry and biochemistry,University of Arizona,USA, Visiting Scholar
Honors and Awards

Scientific Achievements & Selected Publications

1.Yue Chun-Yue, Ding Guo-Sheng, Liu Feng-Jie, Tang An-Na*, Water-compatible surface molecularly imprinted silica nanoparticlesas pseudostationary phase in electrokinetic chromatography for theenantioseparation of tryptophan. J. Chromatography A,1311(2013)176-182.
2.Liu Feng-Jie, Ding Guo-Sheng, Tang An-Na*. Simultaneous separation and determination of five organic acids in beverages and fruits by capillary electrophoresis using diamino moiety functionalized silica nanoparticles as pseudostationary phase. Food Chem. 2014, 145, 109-114
3.Hui Li,Guo-Sheng Ding, Jie Chen,An-Na Tang*.Amphiphilic silica nanoparticles as pseudostationary phase for capillary electrophoresis separation, J Chromatogr.A,2010,1217(47),7448-7454.
4.Tang An-Na, Wang Xiao-Nan, Ding Guo-Sheng and Yan Xiu-Ping. On-line preconcentration and enantioseparation of thalidomide racemates by capillary electrochromatography with the hyphenation of octyl and norvancomycin monoliths,Electrophoresis, 2009, 30 (4), 682-688.
5.Xin-Huan Yan, Guo-Sheng Ding,Hui Li, An-Na Tang*.Preparation of silica-based nanoparticle having surface-bound octanoyl-aminopropyl moieties and its applications for the capillary electrochromatography separation of charged and neutral compound,Electrophoresis,2011.
Professional Cultivation

more than 10 graduates.