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Academician Jun Chen from Nankai University won the “National May 1 Labor Medal”

The Tianjin International Labor Day awards ceremony was held on April 26th. Tianjin party’s secretary Hongzhong Li and other leaders of Tianjin attended the ceremony. Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences, prof. Jun Chen from Nankai University was awarded the “National May 1 Labor Medal”granted by the All-China Federation of Trade Unions. Leaders presented awards for Chen and other award-winning representatives.

Jun Chen, an inorganic chemist, has been a professor and doctoral supervisor since 2002. He is currently the dean of College of Chemistry, Nankai University, and the director of Key Laboratory of Advanced Energy Materials Chemistry (Ministry of Education).  

Prof. Chen Jun is mainly engaged in the research of inorganic solid chemistry. He has made important and innovative contribution to the synthesis of inorganic solid functional materials, the preparation of solid electrode and the development of new battery electrode materials. So far, he has published 290 SCI papers, in which the series of Nature and Science 5 papers, Angew. Chem. 16 papers, the journal of the American Chemical Society 10 papers, Advanced Materials 17papers. The total citations are 21000 times and the highest citations for one paper are 1130 times. He wrote review papers for the Accounts of Chemical Research in 2009 and for the Chemical Reviews in 2017. Chen has been authorized 16 invention patents, of which the patent of porous spinel and laminated electrode materials has achieved good economic benefits.

Prof. Chen has been awarded a number of rewards and honorary titles. He received the State Natural Science Award (the 2nd Grade) in 2011 because of the subject "Hydrogen, lithium, magnesium storage and battery performance research of certain categories of inorganic materials" he presided over. His two subjects "Clean energy materials and high-energy chemical powers" and "Micro-nano structures and electrochemical energy devices" won the first prize of Tianjin award for natural sciences in 2006 and 2016 respectively. He was awarded "New Century Excellent Talents"(Ministry of Education) in 2002, “The National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars” in 2003, distinguished professor of “Chang Jiang Scholars Program”(Ministry of Education) in 2005, the first prize of “National Teaching Achievement Award” in 2009, “Chinese Electrochemical Contribution Award” and the nomination of the top grade prize of the “Baogang Award for Outstanding Teachers” in 2013, “Leader in Science and Technology Innovation Talents” in 2014. He presided over the key national nanotechnology research and development plan in 2011 and 2017 as chief scientist.

 “The laborers are the most honorable. Obtaining the ‘National May 1 Labor Medal’ is an encouragement and spur to me. In the future, I will continue to be down-to-earth and remain true to our original aspiration, follow the example of the older generation of scientists, invest more in scientific research and teaching and educating people." Chen said.