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Boling Lecture--"From on-surface Molecular Assembly to on-surface Chemistry"

On the evening of 31st, March, Prof. Chi Lifeng, a well-known physical chemist from Suzhou University, presented a Boling lecture entitled “From on-surface molecular assembly to on-surface chemistry” for students from the Boling classes at the academic report hall of the Shixian Building. Chen Jun, dean of the college of Chemistry, hosted the lecture.

Prof. Chi first shared her life experience, introduced the transfer of her research from physics to chemistry. She then gave systematic and detailed presentation of Langmuir-Blodgget (LB) and on-surface chemistry associated with her research results. Her interpretation for the application of on-surface chemistry in “C-H activation and selectivity” started from the appearance of her research interest and illustrated by the approachable explanation of the complicated topic of C-H activation of alkane terminal groups and linear copolymerization reactions on the surface of Au (110). She finished her lecture with the prospect of on-surface chemistry and encouraged the students to pour passion into scientific research.

The report received warm embrace of the students, they asked insightful yet wide-ranges questions, which, Prof. Chi answered one after another with patience and enthusiasm.

Boling lecture, as a major project aimed to nurture creative chemical talents, has been launched from 2003 by the College of Chemistry and held regularly on the evening of the last Friday of each month. Its lecturers, top-level chemists worldwide, guide students into academic world though vivid experiences and urge them to set up far-sighted goals at the same time strive for realizing their dreams.

For resume of Professor Chi, please do not hesitant to click the link below:
