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Inorganic Chemical Materials Symposium Launched

The first Peking University- Nankai University Inorganic Chemical Materials Symposium was held at Shixian Building of Nankai University from June 9th to 10th. Vice president of Peking University-academician Song Gao, vice president of Nankai University-academician Chunhua Yan, academician Qilin Zhou from Nankai University attended the opening ceremony of the symposium. Approximately 150 teachers and students from inorganic chemistry and related disciplines of Peking University and Nankai University took part in the symposium. Prof. Peng Cheng, inorganic chemistry professor of Nankai University, chaired the opening ceremony of the symposium.

Academician Chunhua Yan firstly addressed his warmly welcome to the professors and experts from Peking University and then delivered his gratitude to the experts from Peking University for their helpful assistance to Nankai University. And then he emphasized the long interchange history between Peking university and Nankai University.

Academician Song Gao recalled the profound historical origin and relations between the two well-known institutions of higher education. He said that the similar meaningful academic exchange should be more frequent to promote the development of the inorganic chemistry.

Dean of College of Chemistry, Prof. Jun Chen remarked that bilateral exchanges could promote development of disciplines and boost talent cultivation and scientific researches. Prof. Jun Chen was elected the associate editor of Inorg. Chem. Front.. The journal was co-published by Chinese Chemical Society, Peking University and Royal Society of Chemistry and was published from 2014. The impact factor of the year of 2015 was 4.532.

In the symposium, there are not only excellent and systematic academic reports delivered by experts from both universities but also in-depth discussion on the topics of discipline construction and education of the undergraduates.  Over 50 experts and scholars attended the symposium and gave altogether 14 reports. And more than 100 students took part in the academic discussion. Prof. Peng Cheng presided over the closing ceremony. Academician Song Gao and academician Chunhua Yan sent out an invitation to all and expected the next time in the Peking University.

The symposium was launched by Peking University along with Nankai University. The 1st symposium was organized by Nankai University.