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Boling Lecture--"Precise Chemistry 2.0" by Academican He Tian

On September 29th, Boling Lecture invited academican He Tian to deliver a lecture on “Precise Chemistry 2.0”. He Tian was a professor at East China University of Science & Technology (ECUST) and was selected as a member of the Chinese Academy of Science in 2011. Professor Chen Jun, Dean of the College of Chemistry, presided over the lecture.


Professor Tian first talked about the definition of precise chemistry. Precise Chemistry is a dynamic molecular system which can be selected and controlled on a miniature scale. He then referred to the 2016 Nobel Prize in Chemistry and proposed a research system based on supramolecule, molecular machine and molecular topology. Molecular machine has been of such interest and importance that a huge amount of work has been done on it and potential application has emerged.

Afterwards, Tian discussed "precise chemistry", "precise medicine" and "precision chemical engineering", involving his researches on functional organic dye, molecular machine, etc. Finally, He encouraged students to create a better future with chemistry and devote their time on precise chemistry. Professor Tian answered students’ questions and won a big round of applause when he ended his speech.

The Boling Lecture is an important measure to train innovative students. Since 2013, Boling lecture was held on the last Friday night of every month, delivered by top domestic and foreign chemists. They share their experience, broaden students’ horizons and encourage students to establish long-term Life goals.