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College of Chemistry successfully held the fourth “Nankai Chemistry Young Teachers Forum”

On November 28th, the fourth "Nankai Chemistry Young Teachers Forum" was held at the Yang Shixian Building. College leaders, academic leaders, middle-aged and young teachers, young teachers from other universities and graduate students attended the forum.


Zhang Yongjun, Shi Wei and Wang Xiaochen, from College of Chemistry, Liu Zunfeng, from State Key Laboratory of Medicinal Chemical Biology, respectively delivered speeches on hydrogels for biomedical applications, functional complex chemistry, boron catalysis and the application of buckled structure in wearable device and elastic wire. They elaborated on the research background, status and prospect. They also put forward the frontier problems in these fields and invited teachers in related fields to work together. Participants asked questions about areas that they were interested in and discussed potential direction of cooperation. Many initially cooperative intentions have been formed.


Academician Zhou Qilin and Academic Leader Zhu Shoufei attended the forum. They highly praised four scholars’ work, and raised suggestions on the research topics of middle-aged and young teachers. Zhou said that young teachers should give full play to their subjective initiative, make progress and an overall planning of scientific research. They should not only focus on publishing papers of high quality, but also coordinate the basic research and the application. They need to communicate with companies that can help them industrialize research achievements.

Nankai Chemistry Young Teachers Forum is hosted by the School of Chemistry. The forum invites teachers in relevant disciplines from other universities to communicate with each other. College of Chemistry will continue to promote the forum and plan to hold 4-5 times per semester. The forum aims at improving communication and cooperation, in order to adapt to the trend of interdisciplinary research. The forum will enhance the competitiveness of College of Chemistry and help to construct the first-class discipline.