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Calling for Speakers of 2016 “International Youth Chemists Forum” at Nankai University

It is our sincere pleasure to invite you to Tianjin this summer for the 2016 International Youth Chemists Forum at Nankai University. The forum will be held on June 23-25th, 2016. The topics of the Forum cover all areas of chemistry, including traditional chemistries (organic/inorganic/physical/analytical), material science, environmental chemistry, and chemical biology etc.

We are accepting speaker applications now through April 30th, 2016. The applicants should hold a PhD degree in chemistry or other related areas, and have an excellent research record. All applications should be addressed to Dr. Peng Wang (email: nkchem@nankai.edu.cn). Please include a tentative title of your talk, a CV with a full list of publications, and your contact information in the application. We will confirm that we've received your application and will follow up directly with you by May 15th if you've been accepted or if we have any questions.

The speakers will be provided reimbursement for international airfares to Tianjin (up to 1500 USD) as well as local accommodations and meals at Nankai. For airfare reimbursement, please bring the boarding passes.

For any questions, please contact Dr. Peng Wang (email: nkchem@nankai.edu.cn; phone: +86-22-23500201). Thanks for your interest in this forum and we look forward to seeing you this summer.


Organizing Committee


Prof. Qi-Lin Zhou


Prof. Pingchuan Sun