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State Key Laboratory of Elemento-Organic Chemistry Held the Third Meeting of the Seventh Academic Committee and Annual Academic Symposium

From Oct 21st to Oct 23rd in 2016, the Third Meeting of the Seventh Academic Committee and Annual Academic Symposium were held under a lively academic atmosphere in Tianjin Binhai New Area. Academic Committee Members including Academician Cheng Jinpei, Academician Tong Zhenhe, Academician Huang Naizheng, Academician Lin Guoqiang, Academician Xi Zhenfeng, Academician Qian Xuhong, Academician Zhou Qilin, Professor Wang Meixiang, Professor Liu Yu, Professor Xi Zhen, Professor Cui Chunming, Professor Zhu Xiaoqing and former Deputy Director of Department of Chemical Sciences of NSFC, Liang Wenping, attended the annual meeting.

On the evening of 21st, President Gong Ke attended the symposium to welcome the experts on behalf of the Nankai University, and showed his gratitude to the Academic Committee in recognition of its important role in the scientific researches and talent training of the State Key Laboratory. He pointed out that the State Key Laboratory has become the important research base of organic chemistry and pesticide in China with great scientific achievements, and hoped that the Academic Committee will as always support the development of Laboratory. Furthermore, Gong Ke also introduced a series of activities for commemorating the 120th anniversary of Yang Shixian.

On 22nd, nearly 500 people participated in annual academic symposium chaired by Professor Liang Guangxin, Deputy Director of the Key Laboratory. First of all, Professor Cui Chunming reported the work of the Key Laboratory over the past year. Subsequently Professor Gregory C. Fu from CIT, Professor Zhang Deqing from ICCAS, Professor Yue Jianmin from SIMM, Professor Luan Xinjun from Northwest University, Professor Ma Junan from Tianjin University and other two professors from Nankai University were invited to make academic reports.

During the symposium, in order to mobilize the enthusiasm of graduate students to participate in academic exchanges and communicate with experts, Mr. Xu Shengsi from Michelangelo (China) Co., Ltd., the sponsor of the poster award, Academician Cheng Jinpei and other scholars selected and rewarded 15 out of 62 graduate candidates for their excellent posters.

The third meeting of the 7th Academic Committee of the Key Laboratory was held on the last day. All the Academic Committee members above-mentioned and Liang Wenping attended the meeting. The meeting was presided over by Academician Cheng Jinpei, the chairman of Academic Committee, with the purpose of deliberating on the applications for the Open Fund in 2016, and discussing the development and construction of the Key Laboratory in the future. Attendees put forward valuable opinions and suggestions during the meeting.


the photo of Academic Committee meeting held by State Key Laboratory of Elemento-organic Chemistry in 2016