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Academician Qian Xuhong Presented the First Lecture of the “Lecture Series in commemoration of the 120th Anniversary of the Birth of Yang Shixian”

January 8th, 2017 is the 120th anniversary of the birth of Yang Shixian, who is an outstanding representative of the scientists as well as educators of the older generation in China, a forefather of Pesticide Chemistry. He was the principal of Nankai University, and one of the major creators of the chemistry discipline. He played an important role in the nourishment of talents, improvement of scientific research and social service in the part of Nankai. He proposed that, “Chemistry should make more contributions to the economic prosperity and subject progress in China”, which clarified the priority of scientific research to serve national economic construction.


In order to memorize Yang, Nankai University launched various activities “in memory of Yang Shixian”, among which the College of Chemistry was assigned with the lecture activities.

Academician Qian Xuhong was invited to make the opening lecture entitled “Chang Minds” for this seminar series. He is a well-known pesticide chemist in China, who was appointed twice as the chief scientist of the “973 Program” for pesticide, and is an academic committee of State Key Laboratory of Elemento-Organic Chemistry, Nankai University, historically involved and still more related with the pesticide subject of Nankai.

The report was hosted by Professor Xi Zhen, the Director of the National Engineering Center of Pesticide, over 150 delegates of all teachers and students attended the event, including many experts and scholars and the heads of the department and the state key lab.

In terms of historical development and human civilization, Qian elaborated the necessities of diversified thinking by theoretical and practical evidence, pointed out the importance of innovative thinking to the understanding of the world and innovation of academic work. He offered a huge amount of content and enlightening comments, which earned him unremitting applauses.

For the resume of Qian Xuhong, please do not hesitate to see the attachment below: About Qian Xuhong.doc